1 North Plum Street, Germantown, OH 45327 | (937) 855-7255

Galentine's Day

Downtown Germantown will be celebrating Galentine's Day on February 13th from 4PM - 9PM! Bring your mom, sisters, girlfriends, and cousins! Come shop through our vendors in the First National Bank of Germantown's lobby, then take your girls through each store downtown to snack and shop! Don't forget to stop at our eateries for a nice dinner - and end your night with some laughs and entertainment at the BYJO with some local comedians!

Tax Information

Tax time is right around the corner! Residents can call (216) 857-3174 to schedule a free tax assistance appointment at City Hall.

Slots are available on Tuesday, March 11 between 9 am and 3 pm, and on Thursday, April 3 between 9 am and 3 pm as well.

Residents can also choose to receive assistance by filling out the attached form and dropping it off at City Hall.

2024 City Tax Assistance Form