1 North Plum Street, Germantown, OH 45327 | (937) 855-7255

General Building Fees

View the Germantown Commercial Codes (2017)

Building Fees

Basic Fee $275.00* Plus $0.105 per sq. ft.

Electric Fees

Basic Fee $275.00* Plus $0.065 per sq. ft.

Mechanical Fees

Basic Fee $275.00* Plus $0.065 per sq. ft.

Automatic Sprinkler and Other Fire Suppression Systems: (All Suppressed Area)

Basic Fee $275.00* Plus $0.065 per sq. ft.

Industrialized Unit Fees

Basic Fee $200.00* Plus $0.0175 per sq. ft.

Minor Alteration
$100.00 Per Each Type of Permit-Building, Electric, HVAC, Fire Protection

Signs Fees

Large Signs (more than 15 ft. pole to bottom of face or single sign face more than 200 sq. ft.) $200.00 per sign
Medium Signs (less than 15 ft. pole to the bottom of face or single sign face more than 50 50 sq. ft.) $150.00 pe sign
Small Signs (all not included above) $100.00 per sign
Electric for Sign $80.00 per sign
Face Changes - no building permit required
Ground signs less than 6 ft. tall - no building permit required

Administrative Fees

Re-Inspection (3rd and subsequent repeat inspection) $100.00
Non-permit/Special Inspection $150.00 per hour
Out of normal hours inspection (min. 3 hour billing) $150.00 per hour
Starting work without a permit Doubled permit fee
Copy Plan & re-stamp (plus cost of copying) $60.00
Plan Review - 3rd and subsequent (1/4 hour increments) $80.00 per hour
Revisions to approved plans (Plus Plan Review) $150.00
Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of Completion $65.00
Certificate of Occupancy for Change of Use $150.00
Temporary Certificate of occupancy (30 Days) $100.00
Occupying without Certificate of Occupancy $300.00
Permit extension (if approved) $100.00

* All permits are subject to 3% State Fee.

Note: State Board of Building Standards Fee = 3% of above fees. Application fees are paid with application and are non-refundable. Substitute "Linear Ft." for Sq. Ft. where applicable, e.g. fences etc.

Detailed Zoning/Building Commercial Fees

Water Tap-In Fees

Size of Water Line Fee
3/4" $1,500.00
1" $2,000.00
1-1/2" $3,000.00
2" $4,000.00
4" $5,500.00
6" $7,000.00

Expansion Charge

Size of Water Line Fee
3/4" $1,100.00
1" $1,400.00
1-1/2" $1,800.00
2" $2,900.00
3" $11,000.00
4" $14,000.00
6" $21,000.00

Sewer Tap-In Fees

Single Family = 1 Unit
Every 2 apartments, townhouses and multiple dwellings, or fraction thereof, in one building = 1 Unit
Every 4 rooms or fraction thereof in a motel, hotel, or office building = 1 Unit
Every commercial unit in a commercial building = 1 Unit
Rate Adjustment fee per each equivalent single family unit $500.00


Obtaining A Permit

If you are planning to construct a new building or make a change to your property in the Germantown area, you may obtain all the necessary information and forms at the "one-stop" customer service counter at the Germantown Offices, One North Plum Street, Germantown. All new buildings and structures, alterations, additions, remodeling, demolitions, changes in use or other activities connected to construction or development require permits. The following items do NOT require a building permit: siding, landscaping (other than retaining walls), painting/wallpapering for maintenance purposes and storm/screen windows and doors.

To apply for a permit, you must submit an application form, along with a $deposit (see permit fees), zoning certificate and the appropriate number of sets of plans drawn according to the Building Code.

If you are not sure whether you need a permit for the changes you plan to make, call our inspection service at 433.4642. This simple inquiry prevents what could be costly and time-consuming mistakes.

Building Code
Germantown enforces a model residential building code, as well as related electrical, fire and mechanical codes. The Residential Code of Ohio applies to one-, two-and three-family dwellings. The Ohio Building Code (OBC) applies to the construction of buildings with more than three (3) dwellings, commercial and industrial structures.

Plan Requirements
Provide two (2) sets (three (3) if commercial) of building plans with each application. All building and lot plans are to be drawn to scale. Your drawings should show pertinent details in architecture, structure, plumbing, mechanics, fire protection, elevations and foundation in accordance with applicable codes. The lot plan must show the buildings/structure drawn to scale, the dimensions of the lot, and the distances from the building or structure to front, rear, and side lot lines, parking, screening, location of existing or proposed water/sewer laterals or septic system/wells and other required elements. In accordance with Ohio Revised Code, plans for commercial construction under the OBC must be "sealed" by a registered design professional.

Once You Submit the Plans
Once you submit the plans, the plans examiner, zoning and building officials will review them. To protect the public health and safety, building permits cannot be issued until all requirements are met and plans conform to all applicable ordinances and building codes. This process normally takes 5-10 business days.

When your building permit is approved, you must then pay the balance of any fees to cover inspection costs and filing processes. You will need to call National Inspection at 937.433.4642 to schedule each inspection and provide them your permit number. For each inspection the inspector will need the approved set of plans on site.

Inspectors will make routine, required inspections throughout construction of the structure. Upon completion of the structure, you will receive and "approved" final inspection ticket and, where appropriate, a Certificate of Occupancy.

Plumbing Inspections / Permits
All plumbing permits are obtained through Montgomery County. Please call 225.4421 or 781.2500.

Questions? Please call National Inspection Corporation for any Building questions at 937.433.4642 and call the Municipality Building for any Zoning